Share Myntgata 2

Temporary activation of an old fortress building in Oslo City Centre
Work for Aspelin Ramm and Concept SHARE (2018-2019),
with Oslo works, Norwegian Icons and Emergence Projects

Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 12.54.40.png

SHARE is a temporary activation of an amazing old fortress building in the city center of Oslo. It’s a concept of co working and co creation for late phase start-ups and the early phase scaling companies, a five years temporary activation program. We were invited in by the architects to look at how we could temporarily include interior from Norwegian Icons. Natural state wrote the circular concept of “Gjennombruk” - where we are sourcing high quality vintage furniture, placing it with a maintenance program, and then being able to put it back in the market after the SHARE concept is closed down. The concept has usage before, under and after of high quality furniture following the aspect that quality is key to sustainability.

Project report

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